I-Melamine Board Substrate-Plywood
Izinkomba zekhwalithi eziyinhloko ze-plywood (i-Melamine board substrate) | ||||||
Ukuchezuka kwe-Dimensional | ||||||
Ububanzi bobukhulu obujwayelekile (t) | ibhodi elinesihlabathi (panel sanding) | |||||
Ukubekezelela Ukuqina Kwangaphakathi | Ukuchezuka kogqinsi | |||||
7<t≦12 | 0.6 | + (0.2+0.03t) | ||||
12<t≦25 | 0.6 | + (0.2+0.03t) | ||||
Izinkomba zokusebenza ngokomzimba namakhemikhali | ||||||
iphrojekthi | iyunithi | Ukujiya okuncane okungu-t/mm | ||||
12≦t<15 | 15≦t<18 | 18≦t<21 | 21≦t<24 | |||
umswakama | % | 5.0-14.0 | ||||
Amandla okubopha | I-MPa | ≧0.7 | ||||
Ukugoba Amandla | Kanye nokusanhlamvu | I-MPa | ≧50.0 | ≧45.0 | ≧40.0 | ≧35.0 |
I-striation eguquguqukayo | I-MPa | ≧30.0 | ≧30.0 | ≧30.0 | ≧25.0 | |
I-modulus ye-elasticity | Kanye nokusanhlamvu | I-MPa | ≧6000 | ≧6000 | ≧5000 | ≧5000 |
I-striation eguquguqukayo | I-MPa | ≧4500 | ≧4500 | ≧4000 | ≧4000 | |
Ukukhishwa kwe-formaldehyde | - | E1/E0/ENF/CARB P2 | ||||
Ukusebenza kwe-dip peel | - | Ubude bokuxebuka obunqwabelene bohlangothi ngalunye lwephepha lefilimu elifakwe i-veneer kanye nongqimba olungaphezulu lweplywood akumele ludlule ku-25mm. |
I-plywood yethu ye-Class III yenziwe nge-eucalyptus yekhwalithi ephezulu etholakala e-Guangxi, e-China.I-veneer ngayinye icutshungulwa kahle, yomiswe, bese ihlanganiswa kusetshenziswa iglue i-urea-formaldehyde noma i-non-formaldehyde glue ehlangabezana nezindinganiso eziqinile zemvelo.Ngemva kokusarha nokusaha, i-plywood yethu inosayizi oqondile, indawo ebushelelezi, ukuqina kwesakhiwo esiqinile, namandla okubopha okuphezulu.Ukwengeza, sinikeza inketho yokwengeza i-mahogany core veneer noma i-Technology wood veneer noma i-high density fiberboard ngesicelo sekhasimende.I-plywood yethu itholakala ngosayizi wefomethi engu-1220*2440mm (2745mm, 2800mm, 3050mm) futhi inobukhulu obungu-9-25mm.Khetha iphaneli yethu yesisekelo sokhuni esingacutshungulwanga sephrojekthi yakho elandelayo.

Inzuzo Yomkhiqizo
1. Uhlelo lokuphathwa kokukhiqiza lwefekthri ngayinye yamaphaneli esekwe ngokhuni eqenjini lethu seluphumelele i-Occupational Health and Safety Management System (GB/T 45001-2020/ISO45001:2018), Uhlelo lokuphatha imvelo (GB/T24001-2016/IS0 14001: 2015), uhlelo lokuphatha ikhwalithi, (GB/T19001-2016/IS0 9001:2015)Umkhiqizo wokuqinisekisa nge-FSC-COCCertification.
2. Iphaneli yomkhiqizo we-Gaolin esekelwe ngokhuni ekhiqizwa futhi idayiswa yiqembu lethu iwine ukuhlonishwa kwe-China Guangxi Famous Brand Product, i-China Guangxi Famous Trademark, i-China National Board Brand, njll., futhi ikhethwe njenge-National Forestry Key Leading Enterprise yi- iWood Processing and Distribution Association iminyaka eminingi.